into the last month...

and into december we go... 

i'll be honest, this has been the toughest month so far. 
i've been intrigued as to why that is
and here are a few reasons that seem to make sense: 

- i can smell the end...  i'm not particularly good at completing 
things. i'm more a "new beginnings" kind of person. 

- the pressure if off... i'm done with the exhibition which means 
i could be taking a break but i need to keep going with my daily faces
and it's taken me a bit more courage and stamina 
than it did while i was in full arting mode. 

- i'm less organized... while getting ready for the show i was super
organized and efficient at planning my studio hours 
and life in general. 
now i am in holiday mode, 
 and while i like the relaxed freedom of it 
i realized that my creativity needs a bit of structure and routine. 

- i'm resisting the end... as much as i am looking forward to ticking off 
the 365 faces, there is a part of me that is slightly daunted with 
the "and now?" part of finishing such a big challenge. 
what am i going to paint? what am i going to share? 
will i still create as much? 
how will it feel not to have that commitment every day? 
(clearly this is a big one :) ) 

but then again, i'm rushing ahead. 
something i do often. 
the year is not over, and the next step will appear.
deep trust. 
stay present. stay present. stay present...


  1. Ma cherie! J'y pense aussi, a toi et ton big daily face challenge! Respire, enjoy the lightness...all ahead is unknown...doesn't even exist! big love and hug!!!

  2. Wow... Some great food for thought. Having some same sentiments. It's quite interesting hey. Well you can secretly continue. It's a great practice. ❤️ I have been thinking about setting some different challenges for myself. So that I show up. 😘
